Friday 17th March

Travel day – another day, another train. Only a couple of hours. Some very explosive home schooling – it was ordering fractions to be fair, which no-one likes!

We went to the Ranthambore fort in the afternoon which was so different to all the other ones. It had the feeling of being slightly undiscovered, with what looked like ruins all over the hills.

Our ‘resort’ is also something we splashed out on – the tiger safari finishes at 10am every day so we got somewhere with a pool for the kids. And we are grateful for it, its a balmy 30 odd degrees out here! Henry gets to play his beloved football too 🙂

Saturday 18th March

The hunt for a tiger begins – we were lucky, us and 100 other tourists all stared at a tiger sleeping in the distance! It’s pretty cool though, tigers IRL. I did have a crazy dream last night though that I went to London Zoo with Sara and Elinor and a lion (not sure why a lion!) bit my finger and the keepers had to come and save me. Having crazy dreams on this trip!

When you see a tiger, you wait around to see if it’ll wake up and move around. It didn’t, so kids got a bit antsy!

As you can see, iphone pics are cr*p when it comes to distance photography! But we decided we don’t need an SLR enough to warrant bringing one.

Sunday 19th March

Day two we didn’t see any tigers but it was a beautiful zone. The way they reduce too many people being in one place is by zoning the park into 10 zones and you just see if you get lucky on the zone you are in that day. It’s quite clever really, so it never feels too busy.

There is a less than 10% chance of seeing a tiger and 10 zones, so you do the maths (actually we made the kids do the maths LOL, everyday is a school day!). So we were VERY lucky.

There are only around 81 tigers in the reserve and it is like an ‘island’ of tigers. So they have an issue with inbreeding because no other tigers are around. They are considering bringing in tigers from the outside but that’s TBC.

We also met an awesome couple of guys who were here on holiday from Bangalore – Ravi is a keen wildlife photographer – check out his Insta here. They were so kind and brought us a copy of a calendar he made.

They have 4 more safaris to go, so will be keeping my eyes peeled to see if he spots one!

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