We bloody love it – the sounds, the ‘busy’, the colours, the heat, the people, the food. It was exactly what we were hoping for.

Other thoughts in no particular order

  • All the cars are white – why is that?
  • Rubbish – there is SO much rubbish everywhere you go. There is no rubbish removal service so it totally makes sense. It does make it such a shame. It also makes us pleased that we are not using any plastic water bottles, or straws.
  • We have managed to stay plastic bottle free this whole time. Our steripen broke FOUR days into our trip. So annoying. Luckily I bought a Lifestraw filter bottle as a back-up so we just shared that. And to give the company their dues, they sent us a replacement steripen to Udaipur which is great. And it’s still going strong – woo hoo! We’ve also managed to stay mostly plastic straw free too. Me “steripenning” in Delhi airport. It’s a 90 second UV light that makes any water safe to drink. Amazing.
  • Everyone’s clothes are brilliant – beautiful bright coloured sarees. People must go to the UK and wonder why we are wearing such drab black and white!
  • Street dogs – they are not nearly as bad as I thought they would be! They all seem well-fed, don’t follow you and totally fine. I get the impression, they are fed/ watered by the locals. Obvs we aren’t touching them to find out!
  • The staring thing – we don’t get it, but are used to it. The kids actually say no most of the time which I respect. We give them the choice. It makes me feel a bit bad, but when you are asked about 50 times a day then it feels okay to say no! Charlotte has a rule of 9 no’s and 1 yes!
  • We have loved the people – everyone is just so kind in India
  • Our bag weights on departure – kids around 4-5kgs each. Mine 11kgs, Ts 15kgs. Not too bad – we are being ruthless with trinkets. Kids can buy anything but they have to carry it! The water we carry weighs a LOT so on a daily basis we (I mean, T!) are carrying lots of weight. We have a 2.5l bladder we take in the day bag so we always have lots of clean fresh water
  • Hotels – we’ve stayed in such a variety of places. Our cheapest was £9 per night (that includes at all 3 meals!) in Khuri, Jaisalmer and most expensive £100 a night in Delhi after we arrived. Generally we’ve been paying around £30 for a family room per night – staying slightly outside of the centre so we can get some space, and the prices are slightly lower. Not sure we’ll find anywhere much cheaper than India, but we’ll see!
  • Last but not least, shh, I’m almost too scared to say it out loud, we didn’t get dodgy tummies – Henry a tiny bit but nothing dramatic. I honestly think the hygiene in India is fine – the government supply clean water to everyone, even the slums. And there are sinks (with soap) everywhere! Don’t get me wrong, we were sensible – peeling all fruit, using antibac etc but we did eat street food and the like and were fine!

One response to “Thoughts as we leave India…”

  1. Jenifer Moss Avatar
    Jenifer Moss

    Sounds as though you had a wonderful experience in India. So pleased for you.


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