Landed in fabulous Bangkok – again, it’s been 20 years! Looks totally different.

Went to the Grand Palace which was always v. impressive. T and I bumped into each other there when we were in Thailand for Xmas (separately!) in 2002. Ha ha! Neither of us remember where!

To say the kids hated it is an understatement – they were CRANKY as all hell and basically hit each other the whole way around. Despite getting there at 8.30 when it opens, it is just TOO hot for them which makes for grumpy moods all round. This was THEIR highlight of the Grand Palace LOLs (afterwards, Starbucks).

And then Wat Pho which is a huuuuge reclining Buddha. Henry was impressed. It’s lovely there and much quieter. Might be because we were there at midday – when it is hotter than the surface of the sun! April really is the worst time to come, weather-wise, so don’t bother haha!

Friday 21st April

The kids have been struggling a bit with each other, home school, the gap year. C actually loves it and is (mostly) rolling with it. H too but he misses home so much – the house, football, football, his room, football – you get the gist!

When we are at home, each summer holiday we have a date day with each child, separately. It’s a lovely opportunity for them to decide what to do, when to do it, and stuff their face with treats. So today was a date day – Henry and I did VR, Go Karting and a lovely slice of cake/ coffee. He was amazing – the Go Karting was pretty full on – he was with two other kids who literally turned up looking like an 8 year old Lewis Hamilton, their own helmets, outfits etc. So poor Henry managed 1 lap while they did 3. Good on him though, he was really scared but did 1 lap and was like er Mum can I come out? I was so proud he gave it a shot because he’s like me, a bit more scared of the big rides/ scary things. Doesn’t seem a big thing for most kids but for H it was fab. Maybe he is growing in confidence on the gap year 🤩

Charlotte & T did Jump Park, VR and Starbucks! (yes, we both went to the same VR place! Different times!).

Also note, C & I have both embraced ‘travellaaaaar’ trousers in Thailand – but they are so practical for mossies in Borneo/ Indonesia!

It was well overdue and a super fun day for them to feel special and cut loose!

Hit up Lumphini Park – we are staying right next to it. Gorgeous to go for an evening stroll at sunset. Note the sweaty faces and everyone eye rolling about having a photo taken!

Also, the street food – everything is served on the street, you really don’t need to eat in a restaurant at all.

Saturday 22nd April

Canal tour with a lovely woman called Joy. She was a ‘Joy’! She brought the kids little elephant trinkets and some snacks from the off, so we knew it would be a great tour. She was cool, she had a whole different government job for her whole career, then retrained 10 years ago to become a tour guide. So she really loved her job. It’s a bit like our lovely friend Toby who has done the same in London. We are so pleased we did it – wonderful to see a different side of Bangkok. It’s such a huge city, we haven’t really seen any of it, so saw a different perspective.

The canals are now a weird mix of super rich people buying land and building big air con fancy properties, and locals living in wooden shacks. Juxtaposed to temples that are huge, gold and beautiful.

We stopped to feed the cat fish which were huge and fierce!

A highlight was stopping for noodles by the side of the river – spicy as hell but Joy said this shop is where locals come from far and wide to try them.

Final stop was an artist colony – in truth a touristy thing but lovely. The kids bought some fans and paints to decorate them.

Final stop for dinner – revolving ‘shabu shabu’! Here C was amazing and grabbed a RANDOM looking ball thing to try. Before we came, she’d have had soup and plain noodles and nothing else. But now she’s brave enough to try strange looking things, hate it but at least give it a go. Mic drop, our work here is done!

Next up – we fly to JAPAN today. Super excited!

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