Tuesday 30th May

Travel onwards to Kota Kinabalu, the capital of Borneo. Another small flight. A v relaxing day in our lovely apartment with beautiful views over the water. Much cooler here because its next to the sea. 

Wednesday 31st May

Another chilled day. Went for a wander to grab some lunch, on one of the streets famous for its Chinese food. And we happened upon a really popular place with amazingly spicy laksa and the plain noodled the kids love. Washed down with 3 layer tea (evaporated milk at the bottom, yum!).

On the way home, we had family haircuts! Well, me, H & C. Hs hair is so thick poor guy is sweating too much! And me & C got a trim (I’m still trying to get to the fully grey stage, it’s a process!). I’m not sure they get many blonde haired kids in the salon, but they were so lovely!

Went home, kids had a swim in our apartment pool which is huge, and super busy. It is holiday time here so lots of kids around.  Actually our apartment is ace – we have started chosing places a little bit further out of town (cheaper), and ones with a washing machine (!).

Went to the local fish market for dinner – fabulous fresh langoustine and squid. And we got to hold the lobsters! Lovely sunset to boot.

Playing our fave game – poo head. And Rummy. On repeat!

Thursday 2nd June

Fabulous first day of snorkelling planned today, at Tunku Abdul Rahman Marine Park. We chose to go to Mamutik and Sapi islands. I was kind of expecting it to be really touristy and busy but it was wonderful!

Mamutik was the smaller of the islands. Lovely small beach with lots of shady trees. It was deserted when we got there. 

We went straight out for a snorkel which was cool. At the time, I felt like maybe the coral was sharp and somehow sandblasting on me? But I got out the water and came up with all these welts which were agony. Like jellyfish stings. I went to see the lifeguards and he rolled his eyes and said “jelly bugs”. Im sorry, what??! And he gave me a bottle of vinegar & water spray! Poor C also got stung but not quite so much thank goodness. 

I googled them, they are basically the jellyfish version of frogspawn. The size of black pepper. And by golly it felt like my whole body was on fire! I thought I was going to have to go back and go to a doctor. But after an hour or so, it felt much better. So C&I went back in! Now I know what it feels like, I was straight out the water as soon as I felt any jelly bugs stinging again (and they did!)!

Apart from that it was a fab day, we all loved snorkelling. It wasn’t amazing but a great introduction for the kids because it was from the beach (rather than a boat). We saw some ‘nemo’ fish and other colourful ones.

The second island was Sapi island. Just as beautiful.

Home, more pool time and the dinner of KINGS! (baked beans). And gorge view from our apartment.

KK has been a great city to stay in, not least because Anna and Kerry stayed here for long periods of time (hi gals if you’re reading this!). So it’s been lovely to get in touch with them and see the place they lived 🥰.

One response to “Borneo: Kota Kinabalu”

  1. Jenifer Moss Avatar
    Jenifer Moss

    What a treat to receive 4 blogs in the same number of days! More spectacular scenery reminiscent of Peruvian Amazon and Costa Rica. And what fun you’re having in the towns – apart from jelly bugs. Am living vicariously through you.! Ali, you write beautifully. Thank you.


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