Friday 3rd June

Today we started a little road trip! Hired a car and headed for the mountains to Kundesang…it was nice to go a few thousand metres up as its a bit cooler.  T (pikey pants!) basically got us almost a 3 door. Our bags barely fit in the boot, haha!

Kundesang is the jump off point for climbing Mount Kinabalu. Apparently you used to be able to take kids up it but you have to be over age 12 now. TBH it sounds pretty steep, going up in a day and a half and then all the way down in aboht half a day. So could be a bit tough!

On the way we stopped at an upside down museum which was for the kids. It was a bit random, took about 10 mins!

Then we continued along the mountain road and stopped at a wild boar restaurant on the way. Its famous around here to have grilled wild boar with some purple rice, a rich sauce (made of molasses and soy sauce if my taste buds are correct!). Its quite an experience. They have all these cuts of meat laid out, half cooked. You choose one and then they cook it and slice it for you. It is a standard street food rough and ready but delish joint. Plastic tables and chairs and a squat loo outside. It was so good we are going to stop on the way home!

We chilled and home schooled in the afternoon as we’d had the day off yesterday. They smashed through a fair amount which was good.

Our homestay, whilst very basic, has lovely views of Kinabalu. Shame the toilet drains were amiss so we slept with the stench of poo all night!

Saturday 4th June

Today we headed to walk around the national park where Mount Kinabalu is. Sadly the longest trail was shut but we did some other ones. We were a bit disappointed. It was nice but no views. I think we just weren’t feeling it today. And we’ve probably been spoilt by Nepal! I have my period and I think I might have low iron because I felt like I was going to faint all day. It would make sense because we were almost vegan in India, and haven’t had any leafy greens or red meat of any note! Its v hard to stay healthy while travelling but we are trying our best. H had a tantrum today because we are having blimming carrots again! Its carrots, apples and bananas on repeat. 

Anyway, so we came home, I had a nap while the kids played with the kids in our hostel. They had such a lovely time playing the floor is lava. That was home school today, play time!!

Then we went back to the same restaurant as last night. We got a thali style meal with a lovely spicy coconut curry, some stir fried tiny fish and a beef stir fry. Lush. The kids had chicken nuggets and chips (eye roll!).

The big news today was T got bitten (sucked??) by a LEECH. loads of blood but he didnt feel a thing. It must have done its thing and popped off. It got through his socks so we are still hoping football socks will protect us!

Sunday 5th June

Today was a random one! We started climbing a tiny hill. But actually it had lovely views over the valley and Mount Kinabalu. It cost a fortune because they have a different price for tourists and locals. 

Then we went to a Dairy Farm. I guess its a novelty for people in Malaysia to see cows but for us its very meh. There wasn’t even much of anything to do there apart from buy overpriced ice cream! 

Drove back to KK (via a wild boar restaurant) and visited the floating mosque. They give all tourists an Abeya and full dress to wear. It was beautiful inside. H struggled with his so had a full blown tantrum. Which I empathise with because he’s always struggled with the texture of clothes on his body. What was amazing though was he apologised to us afterwards. Thoughtfully, kindly. He is really growing up now. 

I forgot to say in the Mulu blog that a twenty something woman came up to me and said we have lovely kids. Woo hoo, we must be doing something right! Over the years we’ve had judgement over our parenting that doesn’t include time outs etc. 

Stayed at a hotel room near the airport. It had the most beautiful views from the roof terrace so we got a Grab Turkish takeaway and ate it up there looking at the sunset. 

Early to bed, getting up before our flight to the jungle!

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