Thursday 29th June

Travel day! Going to Malang, which is a bit of a pain. People tend to get a driver, but it takes around 6/7 hours, which is just too long in the car. Much fancier train than India!

So we took a train to a random city and then a shared taxi to our apartment in Malang. We love a train journey, getting the snacks, smashing through some home school, playing cards etc. The kids would just fight in a car!

Friday 30th June

Today we went to visit the painted villages of Jodipan. In 2016 the government was going to knock down the slums. But a group of enterprising students suggested they paint the buildings to create a rainbow village for tourists. It must have been quite the undertaking but they managed it and the results are very impressive.

Henry is DONE with photos!

You pay a small fee to enter and walk around. There is so much street art on the walls, graffiti, art. Alongside everyone just living their lives. Kids kind of played with the local kids.

Lunch was at a really popular Chinese place. We had black soup with unidentified meat, “pecel” which is rice, spicy peanut sauce and some greens. The kids ate plain rice, haha!

And a lovely plate of offal – can you spot the intestines?!

We visited a Chinese temple and stumbled across some old guys playing ping pong and they let the kids have a play!

Home and showers. We have to shower when its warm because there’s no hot water in our apartment (a theme in Indonesia!).

At around 8pm I felt another earthquake. I was on the bed (which is not a wobbly one!) And it was def moving. Only a few seconds. It was just off the coast of Yogyakarta. Our Prambanan homestay owner was so lovely and texted to check we were okay. I guess it was stronger there.

Saturday 1st July
Early pick up at 7 to head over to Bromo via Tumpak Sewu waterfall which is nowhere near!

It is raining here, so we couldn’t see the waterfall at all. Proper raining, like its rainy season!

We went inside a cave with teeny fish the kids enjoyed catching in their hands.

Doesn’t look like much but we had just walked through the fastest flowing waterfall ever! C was terrified – strong girls club right there 🙂

As its raining so hard, we couldn’t do all of the walk down and around the waterfall. However, we took a guide and it was brilliant. Clambering over waterfalls which had swelled in the rain. Our guide, Didi, was such a hero with Henry, basically piggy backing him!

There was a swimming pool the kids had a dip in. A pretty cold dip because it was fairly cold water.

By the time we got back up the top, we were all pretty wet. Grabbed some food, went to the panorama view. Where it was mostly clouds but you could sometimes make out the waterfall!

The drive to Bromo was soooo long after that. We travelled from 3pm to 10.15pm with a stop for dinner. Full on. Kids and we were all knackered.

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