Our hotel is super nice, it has a small pool and a bunkbed for the kids (family room). The only weird thing about this town is there is a main road running through it. A really big main road. So there is a beach, a dirt track to a main road, the more hotels the other side of it. So it feels like there is no atmosphere.

We also found all the tourists. France seems to be ‘en vacances’ so lots of French families.

It is so different on Bali island compared to Java which is a bit more rural. If nothing else its strange coming here, not seeing any mosques and lots of Hindu statues. I never realised each island has a different majority religion. Naiively I assumed Indonesia was mostly Muslim.

Thursday 6th July

Chill day today. Headed to the beach where we snorkelled straight off it. Very very cool. So pleased we all bought our own snorkel gear, def worth the hassle. Western style lunch which the kids loved.

Home school, dinner out and about.

Friday 7th July

Today was a snorkelling trip which was fab. The ride out there was pretty hairy, massive rolling waves. And we realised the kids weren’t wearing life jackets. They didn’t seem to have any. Yikes! Henry was barely heavy enough to stay sitting down!

Slightly hairy sea in the afternoon.

The first spot was near a beach so visibility a bit poor and it was pretty rough sea. But loads of fish and coral. Luckily we had the blow up noodles for the kids and the wires to attach them to us so they were safe. The guide also had a ring that people could hold onto.

Lunch on a random tiny beach.

The afternoon snorkel was cool, with amazing amazing coral and fish. Such good visibility too. However, T and C went off and joined the wrong group by mistake which meant they were miles away. Couldn’t hear us and looked like they were getting near the boat shipping lane. It was pretty stressful cos our guide couldn’t reach them. Eventually the other group told them to come back. And we all came back to the boat. Which was also really hairy getting onto it because the current was so strong it would kind of smush you into the boat. Despite all that, we had a good time. Even H was fine with jumping into the deep ocean for a snorkel, which is pretty brave!

I also got stung by jelly bugs again. No-one else! I was prepared though, had antihistamine pills and the bite cream. Popped one and was good to go! Ha they won’t affect me!

Dinner at a little warung. Got a pic of us playing our mealtime stalwart…poo head!

Henry got a pancake pudding that was so delish, he had to go to the ‘licking corner’ – behind the wall, by the loo!

Saturday 8th July
A chill day by the pool. I had a massage. I dip dyed Cs hair lavender which looks kind of cool. Lunch and home school.

Then we went to the turtle hatchery by the beach. So cute! A local charity was set up to protect the turtles. So the locals deliver the eggs and they are allowed to hatch in safety. Otherwise birds etc eat them because the mum can only protect one. They also have an adult one there which is huge!

Lovely dinner on the beach with some fresh seafood, while the kids had a play.

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