My spirit felt like Indonesia would be amazing. And it really didn’t disappoint. Such natural beauty, culture. Bloody loved it. This is top of my list for T and my gap year when the kids are at Uni!

Its reeeeeally cheap. Probably at India levels. You can get a simple meal (street food) for about 50p. In Java. Not anywhere else, but its still cheap.

It feels more backpackery in Java. So few Western tourists, lots of domestic tourists.

Bali is full of French tourists!

The bikes are back! The main form of getting around is motorbike.

Where Borneo was all palm oil, Indonesia is all rice paddies

Food – (in the rural areas) warungs (restaurants) sell lots of ayam soto (chicken soup), bakso (unidentified meatballs, usually in soup). With or without rice noodles. Usually with rice on the side. We always joke with our guides and ask what happens if an Indonesian person doesn’t like rice!

The men wear batik sarongs rather than trousers

We have picked up so much tat (and stones, I’m looking at you Master Moss!), our bags are heavy so we are now travelling with a bag of (heavy!) tat.

Tell you what we won’t miss, nasi goreng and mie goreng. Good lord we’ve had it most meals for 2 months! I miss a baked potato!

It is such a naturally beautiful country. Beaches, volcanoes, underwater treasures

We always feel discombobulated when we move country. We’ve spent a month finding our way, working out things. Now to do it all again, but equally that’s most of the excitement, we love it!

We did 3 x 3/4am starts for sunrise!

Our fave homestay was in Prambanan (clean, they gave kids cookies!) And of course Agus who was an absolute highlight of Java. Such generosity shown by both. Also loved our Munduk homestay. Family run homesays for the win!

Malang rainbow village (Jodipan) was cool. Borobudur cycling trip was amazing. Mount Merapi trip through the water was super fun. Snorkelling was a win, particularly in Komodo. And of course temples.

One response to “Thoughts as we leave Indonesia”

  1. Jenifer Moss Avatar
    Jenifer Moss

    Enjoy your last hurrah in Tanzania on our home continent! ❤️


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