– water bottles from Prambanan homestay. And a water ball
– my sandals at the end of the rafting in Nepal
– school books on the shink. T picked it up the next day
– left the snacks on our first flight to Egypt
– left a bag of crisps in a shop
– Cs sleep sheet at Danum Valley. They posted it to us!
– C left a newly purchased doll in Yogyakarta train station. Still there 2 hours later
– our cutlery and metal straws on a flight. Managed to replace at Mr DIY, our fave shop in Malaysia. Think pound shop but better!
– Hs rash vest. Not sure where but super expensive to replace at 30 quid!
– Cs swim goggles in Mulu
– number of packs of cards we ruined and replaced! X 3
– I left our prized pasta (train) dinner in a taxi in Jaipur!

Basically we leave something everywhere!

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